“The pause is as
important as the note.”
- Truman Fisher
fer • ma • ta
a pause of unspecified
length on a note or rest
Fermata Therapy Becky Campbell Seattle
Like in music, sometimes in life we need to pause and listen to how the notes of our experiences resonate in our soul before moving on. The practice of pausing and reflecting offers a chance to consider the meaning of what has come before so we can more effectively engage this moment now to ultimately yield beauty and connection with life we might have never known had we continued less aware.
This is Fermata Therapy. Here we listen to the tune of your life, past and present. With pause and reflection we make space for you to discover and create what is needed—maybe a different rhythm or key, or a voice better suited to your genuine melody—so you can live your most glorious and authentic life-song.
"Listen -
are you breathing just a
little and calling it life?"
- Mary Oliver